La Belleza Esta En Lo Inesperado

Reading this title one may think that it is Spanish in origin and they would be correct. Yo empiezo este blog...No, no let me quit.

This blog does have its roots in la cultura espanola, Costa Rica...

I am currently still in Costa Rica wrapping up my last day of my vacation here before returning home and I had a bright idea start a blog about the beautiful, unexpected things that happen in life whether it be while travelling abroad or down the street or even in the mundane of life. Beauty lies in everything of course, but true beauty lies where we least expect it....

Every time I travel to a new country it teaches me a lesson that I take with my back home and try to implement into my daily life. 

Living in the United States reminds me constantly to be true to who I am. 

Living, working and travelling around Thailand taught me to ploi wang or let go.

Travelling around India on vacation reminded me that love has no limits, it has no boundaries. 

While travelling in Nepal showed me that God is pure love. 

I have now reached my current travelling destination Costa Rica, la tierra de la pura vida, the land of the pure life. And guess what Costa Rica has and is teaching me?

La belleza esta en lo inesperadoBeauty is in the unexpected. 

I plan to show you just that...


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